House design courses training for residential home development. Learn how to design a single story or multi-story house step by step with our house design courses. Our courses are hands-on, practical with real world knowledge and project practice. Learn design and planning skills, floor plan design, drawings and sketching, project management, and much more. The following some of the skills you will learn in our courses:
- project planning
- site planning
- land-use
- bylaw and building code regulations
- interior design
- building design
- concept and design development
- detail design development
- floor plan design
- presentation drawings
- construction drawings
- drafting
- sketching and graphics
- blueprints reading
- construction methods
- structural concepts
- building systems
- project management and coordination
- construction administration
- specification
- building safety
- project costing
- project risk management
- project construction delivery methods
- construction administration
- property evaluation
- and much more
For more information on our courses or for our upcoming house design courses, please sign-up here.