How to become a home designer training for residential building design and interior design development. Our home design courses will focus on 2 areas of home design including interior renovation and design and single story or multi-story building design. Our courses will provide you a training that is hands-on, practical with real world knowledge and practice projects. Some of the skills you will learn include the following:
- property evaluation
- land-use
- bylaw and building code
- building construction
- project delivery methods
- legal contracts and agreements
- interior structural concepts
- building structural concepts
- building systems
- project management and coordination
- construction administration
- color
- material and finishes
- project pre-planning
- project costings
- interior design
- building design
- design process
- concept design and development
- detail and final design
- construction drawings
- design drawings
- sketching and graphics
- blue print reading
- working with consultants
- and much more
To learn more about how to become a home designer or sign-up for our home design courses, please go to our sign-up page for our newsletters, courses and tutorials etc.