How to learn interior design yourself? We have written alot of articles on how to learn interior design yourself. However, there is one method that is probably one of the best method in learning interior design yourself. First, lets refresh and review some of the other most popular methods that a potential interior design student can learn interior design with or without going to an interior design school. Here are some of the methods:
- attending an in-person interior design training school ie: College, University or any post secondary interior design school.
- attending online interior design training in the interior design industry or related industry.
- find yourselves a interior design mentor.
- Self-study with interior design books, magazines, online articles, images etc.
- freelancing during your interior design training to gain valuable real life experiences.
- combination of the above training methods.
The above list are some of the most common methods to learn how to learn interior design yourself. The 5 methods listed can be combined to achieve a more efficient and powerful learning environment resulting in faster learning and even practical real world knowledge. However, there is 1 other important how to learn interior design yourself method that an interior design student and even for an experienced Interior Designer should also consider that is simple and requires no training cost, no buying of books, online design classes or expensive in-person interior design classes.
How to Learn Interior Design Yourself Method
This simple important how to learn interior design yourself method is your local real life already built interiors such as coffee shops, restaurants, shopping malls, churches, hospitals, grocery stores, fast food outlets, buses, airplanes and even your own home and many many more. It is surprising how many beginning and even experienced interior design students don’t take advantages of these built environments during their interior design training. This method is probably one of the best how to learn interior design yourself method to learn about interior design.
How to learn interior design yourself can be effective and efficient. You need to develop a learning system and techniques inorder to maximize your interior design training
Now you maybe asking… what should I be looking at or how do I start the learning process using this how to learn interior design yourself method? Again its simple, when ever you have walked into an interior space (any type of space), first start by looking at simple things such as the choice of colors, materials and finishing, floor finishes, wall finishes, ceiling finishes etc. Look at how they are being used and how they are integrated as a whole. Ask yourself how all these make you feel? Do you feel comfortable or uncomfortable or excited or sad or at peace etc etc in this particular interior space? If you feel comfortable then ask yourself how does this interior space make you comfortable or uncomfortable? Do your best to define what is happening inside this interior space and do this analysis to every interior space you visits. The more practice you have, the more you will learn and understand how various interior design elements are put together to form a space and create a feeling for the occupants.
In our interior design courses, we will go into more details in how to use this interior design self-learning methods more effectively and efficiently and also the types of systems and techniques to use.
How to Learn Interior Design Yourself Summary
- start with the most simple easiest how to to learn interior design yourself method first rather that is by books, magazines etc. then progress into more complex learning methods
- visiting existing interior spaces is one of the best way to learn interior design yourself fast and easy
- by combining the various how to learn interior design yourself methods can provide you with maximum training, knowledge and skills
- don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask alot. This is the way to learn
- looking at pretty interior photos can only give you so much to learn. visiting the space is a better way to learn and see the real thing directly in-front of you
- once you have started your interior design training, develop a learning systems and techniques to use for your self learning ie: questions to ask, what to look for when visiting an interior space, what kind of questions to ask etc.