Interior Designer must learn and have project management skills inorder for any project to be successful. An Interior Designer may have top design skills, but not being able to understand and manage projects, the project will ultimately fail. So what is project management for an interior design development and why Interior Designer must learn the skill. A simple answer is that good project management practice will ensure the project is efficiently carried out from start to finish with minimum to zero project risks meeting the client’s goals and objectives.
For any interior design project, there are basically 3 stages of project management. Stage 1 is project management while the project is under the design phase, stage 2 is project management while the project is in the construction phase and stage 3 is project management at the post construction phase. A good Interior Designer should not think of project management as individual stages but see project management as 1 integral combined stage and understand how one stage can affect and relate to another stage.
No Interior Projects can be efficiently and successfully executed if project management is not an integral part of an interior design project. All Interior Designer must learn project management skills.
A project management plan should be prepared once the project have been started and be distributed and communicated to all team members, clients and including the Contractor (if already selected).
Learn Interior Design Lesson 2: Project Management Summary:
- all interior design project must have a project management plan.
- a project management plan must be put together at the beginning of each project.
- project management plan can be changed during the design process.
- project management plan can be changed during the different phases of a project.
- all Interior Designer must learn and practice project management.
- project management plan must be shared and communicated with the project team including the clients.
- a project’s success can ultimately depended on the proper execution of the project management plan.